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Transfer and Join-in Students

Publisher:Department of International Relations Published:2021-03-19 Times :

Transfer and Join-in Students


Article 28 Transfer out from SPU: After the student is admitted by university, in principle, he/she cannot transfer to other university, but if he/she has difficulties and cannot continue to study in our university, he can apply for transfer to INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT office for examination and approval. Students who are under any of the following circumstances are generally not considered for transfer:

1. Those who have quit university;

2. Those who have not completed one semester’s study;

3. Those without any proper reasons.





Article 29 Transfer to SPU: The university may admit transfer students, but must make a careful investigation about the transferred students to know clearly the reason for their transfer to ensure there is no problem. Transferred students need to get the consent from their department to make sure their curriculum and teaching plan is matching so that they can transfer to the corresponding grade semester.

第二十九条 转入:学校可以接收转学留学生,但必须对申请转入的留学生转入前情况进行认真调查,明确其转入原因,保证转入学生不存在问题。转入留学生需要经待转入专业所在院系同意,并根据该生已学课程情况和专业教学计划进行成绩确认和专门教学计划匹配,确定转入学生对应的年级。




                     Department of International Relations 

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