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Graduation Education Experience and Completion

Publisher:Graduation Education Experience and Completion Published:2021-03-19 Times :

Graduation Education Experience and Completion



Article 35 Students shall complete all the courses prescribed in the teaching plan and meet the graduation requirements, and shall be awarded the graduation certificate within the prescribed years of schooling. The school degree evaluation committee has confirmed that it is in accordance with the Provisions of SPU on the Granting of Bachelor Degrees for International Students in China and the Provisions of SPU on the Granting of Masters Degrees to Foreign Students in China, and awarded the corresponding degree certificate.

第三十五条 学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教学计划规定的全部课程,达到毕业要求,准予毕业,颁发毕业证书。经校学位评定委员会审核确认,符合《沈阳药科大学关于来华留学生学士学位授予规定》、《沈阳药科大学关于来华留学生硕士学位授予规定》的规定者,授予相应学位,并颁发学位证书。


Article 36 Students who have finished the stipulated contents of the teaching plan within the stipulated time limit of the school, but does not meet the graduation requirement shall be granted a certificate of completion by the university. After his completion, he may resume the course or finish the graduation thesis within a certain time limit. If he meets the graduation requirements, the university will grant him a graduation certificate. The graduation date would be the date of granting the graduation certificate.

第三十六条 学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教学计划规定的内容,未达到毕业要求,准予结业,由学校颁发结业证书;结业后在一定期限内可以重修有关课程或者补做毕业论文,达到毕业要求的,可以用结业证书换发毕业证书,毕业时间按发证日期填写。


Article 37 Students who have dropped out of school for more than one year will be issued with a certificate of study. Students who have dropped out of school for less than one year or have been expelled from school will be provided with transcripts of study.

第三十七条 学习期满一年以上退学的学生,学校发给肄业证书;学习未满一年退学或被开除学籍的学生,学校提供在校学习期间的成绩单。


Article 38 A minor certificate shall be issued to those students who have completed this major while completing minor studies and meeting the minor requirements.

第三十八条 对完成本专业学业同时辅修其他专业并达到该专业辅修要求者,发给辅修证书。


Article 39 If the certificate of graduation, certificate of completion, certificate of study and certificate of degree are lost or damaged, they shall not be reissued. After application by the applicant, the school shall issue the relevant supporting proof documents after verification.

第三十九条 毕业证书、结业证书、肄业证书和学位证书遗失或者损坏不予补发,经本人申请、学校核实后,出具相应的证明材料。







Department of International Relations 


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